"They HAVE TO Go to School, Right?"
One of my greatest frustrations in family therapy is the pressure of sending kids to school. Don’t get me wrong, I think education is awesome. But it shouldn’t be used as a bludgeon to our mental health… which we need to become educated. How does this happen? One reason is–ironically–the lack of education. If a kid is having an urge to not go to school, there is a REAL reason for it (one that isn’t a character flaw). Most of the time, there are serious issues going on outside of academics, such as marital conflict, bullying, friend tension, feeling misunderstood, etc. When these stressors build up, they will first make us anxious: we enter Fight/Flight brain, where logic and learning capacity decrease, and we enter “survival mode” when we do just enough to get by with the bare minimum. This is a hard state to go to school in, but it’s manageable. *And, even if it is just about not feeling prepared for a test, seeing a crush, or avoiding friend drama, there are VALID emotions beh...