Self-Worth: Paper Dolls, and the Concept of “Adoption”
Self-Worth: Paper Dolls, and the Concept of “Adoption” Where does your worth come from? How do you feel validated? A sense of fulfillment? A sense of importance? Your sources of self-worth can be used to explain your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. “Belonging and Love” is the 3rd level on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, but the need to be valued can outweigh all other basic needs. The need for validation can drive people to die from eating disorders, make them stay in physically abusive relationships, and to take their own lives. Validation trumps physiological needs. So, we need to make sure we have our basic need of validation coming from reliable sources, at least as much as we need reliable shelter and consistent sources of food and water. The Paper Doll is a model we can use to visualize how validation is needed for a sense of security. The following model shows a person who draws the majority of their worth from a stable family environment–parents that often showed un...