
Showing posts from January, 2023

Are We Raising Weak Kids?

  Are We Raising Weak Kids? I’ve gotten this question a lot recently in some form or another. And the short answer is, YES. But the long answer is NO, all things considered. Let’s explain. Past generations had it rough. They had more wars, more abuse, more crime, less social welfare, more disease, more economic insecurity, more lead in their pipes, and they actually had to make phone calls instead of texting. The further in the past you go, the more “Do or Die” it was. And the result? More people died. And they died a lot earlier. And those that didn’t learned to survive hard things. It’s just that the way they survived looks different from how kids do today. And, if we really look closely, we’d find that we don’t want kids to adapt the same way their parents did. Let’s look at “Anxiety” and “Depression,” which most kids identify with these days. Anxiety is the activation of the Fight/Flight response (which all mammals have) and Depression is the activation of the Freeze response (...

About Kaprena Moore, CSW

  I am a mom, wife, therapist, foodie, musician, audiobook worm, and morning walk-taker. I’m sure I’m a few more things but these are my favorites right now. I come from a very big family, with 6 sisters and three brothers! Now that my siblings and I are having children of our own, we are roughly the size of a small village. I absolutely love my family. They are my best friends, in-laws included!  I met my Boone several years ago on a dating app (see his therapist profile for a little more of the story) after having been a single mom for a minute after my first marriage ended. He is the best human I know. He has walked with me through the minefield of my own past trauma and triggers and sees me as a whole human. Much of how I work with my clients on their trauma is based on the healing experiences I had and continue to have with Boone as we navigate mine. Joining him at Steps Family Therapy after finishing school was a no-brainer. OF COURSE I wanna work with my best friend! We...