Do Unto Others...But Really
This quote has been discussed a lot at church recently, but there’s actually a lot more to think about here than “being nice” because you want people to be nice to you. People sometimes use this statement to justify hurtful behaviors, as we sometimes feel like we need a kick in the pants, so others must need one too. Or we want a quick fix, or a logical solution, so we should treat others accordingly. This can be destructive to our health and relationships. Jesus is not asking us to project our own feelings onto others. The modification of this quote “treat others the way THEY want to be treated,” is also incomplete. Sometimes others ask for aggression to get them to do something, or for a band-aid for their pain, or for you to remove your healthy boundaries for their short-term benefit. This helps neither them nor you. If you stop to consider the original version, you’d find it suffices when you consider the complexity of different circumstances and emotional states. We might in...