Book Diagrams

1.a. 3-Step Model

1.b. 6-Step Model

1.c. Complete Model

1.d. Split-Brain Model

2. Brain and the Bucket

3. Trauma Tree

4.a. Course of Healing (U-Diagram)

4.b. Wide Brain Model

5. Inducing the Crisis

6.a. Impala Recovery

6.b. Human Recovery

6.c. Assault Block

6.d. Trauma Buildup

7.a “Wipe That Stupid Smile” 



8.a. Grief Pies

8.b. Grief Slopes

9.a. Healthy Woman Prepartum

9.b. Stress Bucket Postpartum

10.a. Healthy Doll

10.b. Anxious Doll

10.c. Dependent Doll

11. Arousal


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