
STEPS Booklet

This 20-page booklet is an expanded explanation of the model presented in an earlier blog post about the STEPS, found HERE . It provides simpler explanations, more examples, and more education about specific diagnoses. Please read it slowly, and take time to reflect on how it applies, as it certainly will to all of your relationships. And please share with everyone! When sharing this material, please share the link to the blog post instead of the PDF link. This will help me track how many people are accessing the booklet. Booklet: Audio Version ("Steps with Boone" Podcast): Short video explanation: For even more depth on effective interaction, see the book 101 Therapy Talks   HERE .

Our Podcast, Videos, Book, Blog Titles

 Hello! Welcome to the Steps Family Therapy Blog .  This blog contains homework assignments for clients, but also useful information for everybody else.  I'm putting the posts into audio format through my podcast "Steps with Boone" found on most major podcast streamers: As of October, 2023, most of the blog posts from previous years have been included in the book  101 Therapy Talks.  If you are a client, you should receive a free digital copy. If you are not a client, you may purchase the book here:  Amazon: There are several video versions of the posts as well, found on my...

Steps Family Therapy Clinic Information

 Welcome to Steps Family Therapy! Location: Spanish Fork, UT (near Spanish Fork Junior High). Please contact by email (see below) for intake information. Therapists : -Boone Christianson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist; Availability: Tues/Wed 8-5, Friday 8-2; Spanish, Portuguese -Kaprena Moore, Clinical Social Worker; Availability: Monday 8-3, Thursday 12-6; Spanish; under Supervisor Brady Clegg, LCSW Some Saturday slots available (see below) Services available: Individual Therapy : For those wanting to treat diagnosable conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, addiction, excessive anger, insomnia, or anything else with a psychological component. We tend to use Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems,    EMDR,  and Emotion-Focused models, but also have experience in Cognitive-Behavioral and derivative approaches (ACT, DBT, etc.). If we find that presenting issues are directly linked to current relationships, or that certain relationships could...

Book Diagrams

1.a. 3-Step Model 1.b. 6-Step Model 1.c. Complete Model 1.d. Split-Brain Model 2. Brain and the Bucket 3. Trauma Tree 4.a. Course of Healing (U-Diagram) 4.b. Wide Brain Model 5. Inducing the Crisis 6.a. Impala Recovery 6.b. Human Recovery 6.c. Assault Block 6.d. Trauma Buildup 7.a “Wipe That Stupid Smile”  7.b. 7.c. 8.a. Grief Pies 8.b. Grief Slopes 9.a. Healthy Woman Prepartum 9.b. Stress Bucket Postpartum 10.a. Healthy Doll 10.b. Anxious Doll 10.c. Dependent Doll 11. Arousal

How to Measure Progress

  See the related video here: The more I do this, the more I realize how subjective mental health progress really is. The definition of your optimal state of health depends very much on your current state and your environment. This post posits a general definition of an optimal mental health state and optimal environment, while recognizing that many people can only hope to achieve the best state in sub-optimal environments, and gives examples of treatment courses. An optimal state for humans would be characterized by high frontal lobe brain activity. This means a state of high awareness of the past, present, and future (no need to avoid thoughts or memories), coupled with low stress activation (low anxiety about the things within awareness). There would be high ability to relate to and cooperate with other humans, and it would be enjoyable. Critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving skills would be sharp. All emotions would...

Music Therapy: Songs to Validate Feelings

 Music Therapy  Often, all we need to heal from emotional wounds is validation, and that validation can come from many sources. Music is the universal language of emotion. It emerges from feelings, and allows them to take form. Artists have cultivated a talent for expressing emotion, and may have produced something that really resonates with a feeling you've had. This is a list of songs and artists that validate particular feelings that we feel a lot in therapy. I will divide them according to emotional categories. PLEASE COMMENT with Suggestions to add to this list! I will have to screen them, but will be updating it frequently. Don't be ashamed of your music taste! You may find some of my faves from boy bands and classic Justin Bieber on here... Heartbreak/ Regret: -"Amnesia" by 5 Seconds of Summer -"Aubrey" and "Diary" by Bread -"When I Was Your Man" by Bruno Mars -"Die from a Broken Heart" by Maddie and Tae -"In My Bone...

Santa Shaming

  This post is to help us avoid instilling a totally unnecessary and avoidable dose of childhood anxiety. Though I don’t do Santa Claus with my kids, I think there are ways the concept can either induce shame or confidence in children, depending on how we use it. Let’s discuss Santa Shaming first. Children learn to define themselves according to adult perceptions. If they feel respected and loved by adults, they will come to feel generally lovable, and will love themselves in the healthiest sense. If they think adults think they are bad, stupid, or annoying, they will internalize these traits. They will either develop anxiety about trying to disprove these ideas (which does NOT foster healthy character), or become depressed and angry as they submit to them. Santa can throw more data into the mix. We introduce someone with the power to judge children as good or bad–and to let them know their goodness or badness through the outcome of Christmas morning.  However, it seems that...

Update on the Flip-phone Life

  Update on the Flip-phone Life It’s been 3 months since I transitioned back to flip phone life. And a lot of people have asked me about it. Here’s my response. This is the Nokia N139DL. It cost $20 from Walmart. I got a brick phone when I turned 16 (2012), and used a flip phone for most of college, from 2015-2018, and I was quite satisfied. I switched to an i-phone only because my dating life was stunted by errors in communication between my 2007 Verizon model and the newest smartphones. Now I have a family, a small business, and a small social media presence. And I am highly satisfied with returning to a flip phone. For starters, it was way cheaper up front than trying to replace an i-phone 8. Second, I have significantly reduced the amount of time I spend catering to my phone. I’m not afraid to lose it, break it, or afraid that I’ll need it for something besides calling people. My phone serves me, not vice-versa. It’s highly replaceable. When people see it, they often assume tha...